My entire life I struggled with depression crippling social anxiety and the fear that a cat would claw my eye out and I'd have to wear a pirate patch over that eye. It prevented me from creating or maintaining meaningful relat...

Christina Grimsley
Event Manager
at JW Marriott

Speed friending was exciting and exhilarating for me. I love meeting new people, but being new to the cities I was having a hard time finding my community. The event format was fun and laid back. I felt that I could be myself because we were all in a similar situation – a little nervous and yet wanting community and taking action (i.e. getting off the couch on a Tuesday night ;)). As a result of attending 5 Speed Friending events, I've improved my communication and interpersonal skills and built a lasting core group of friends here in the Twin Cities! Thank you Misha Estrin!

Corey Adams

How do you create so many RSVPs to an event? I'm lucky enough if two or more people come to my events

John Critten

I barely know anyone in the area, and wanted to find some awesome people to talk to and hang out with. I'm happy to say that after just one speed friending meetup, I have the opposite problem: I can't seem to keep up with talking to all the great people I met at the same time! I'm really excited for future events, and would recommend them to anyone who wants a low-pressure, zero-judgment way to get to know a lot of fantastic new people