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The Goal of This Event

Is to help women of all varieties make connections so that they can collaborate, make friends, and inspire each other. 

Are you a woman looking to make friends with other women?

It can be difficult to meet new female friends outside of your existing social circles, but we make it easy and fun at speed friending!


Get 5 minutes of one-on-one time with an amazing Woman! When the bell rings, you rotate to the next table and meet your new friend. By the end of the night, you will have met 25+ potential new female friends and professional connections. Win, win, win!


Get $5.99 Tickets

Speed Friending For Women


TAGS: how to make friends with other women  minneapolis, meet cool women females performing art events, visual art events MN, creative art events MN, designer events MN, Best art events in minnesota for artists, Free Hugs Shrugs Guy Misha Estrin, connecting the art community, collaborate with artists organizations, best woman organization minneapolis mn, fun art events, art meetups, authentic relating, Creative women, women in business, top number one fun female events, meet other women friends new to MSP minneapolis st paul minnesota,

Do you run a woman related organization that people at this event would benefit from knowing about?

Apply to be a featured speaker/promote your organization

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